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Reading & Writing Tutoring

Suppot your child's literacy growth & success  with 1:1 individualized tutoring.


At this time only remote literacy support is available.

Pile of Books

What We Do

Upper Valley Literacy, LLC  develops individualized learning plans for each student it services.  Learning plans provide the learner and family with a detailed explanation of the type of instruction that is provided and the specific goal(s) for each student. 

Our Approach

Tutoring approaches are direct, explicit and systematic.  Teaching approaches  include FUNdations, Wilson Reading System, S.P.I.R.E., and IEW writing. Students are provided all learning materials and are given reading and writing activities to complete between tutoring sessions. Tutoring occurs in-person or remotely using Zoom.

© 2018 Upper Valley Literacy, L.L.C.. Proudly created with

Dr. Valerie Kehoe, Ed.D,

Reading & Writing Specialist

Grantham, NH  (603) 443-7393

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